message from our first lady

Dear Beloved Sisters in Christ,

Grace and peace be unto you all!

On behalf of Aberdeen Bible Church, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to each one of you who join us for our annual Women's Conference. Your presence and participation bring immeasurable joy and richness to our gatherings, and I am filled with deep gratitude for the fellowship we share in the embrace of God's love.

The Women's Conference is a testament to the power of sisterhood in Christ. As we gather, united by our faith and devotion, there is a palpable sense of excitement in the air—a shared anticipation for the blessings and revelations that await us through the Word of God. I am profoundly grateful for the opportunity to stand among such strong, inspiring women of faith, each of whom brings her unique gifts and experiences to our collective journey.

Throughout the conference, we engage in meaningful discussions, worship with fervor, and open our hearts to receive the wisdom and guidance of the Holy Spirit. It is truly a transformative experience—one that I believe enriches our lives and deepens our connection to God and one another.

As we depart from our blessed gatherings, let us carry forth the lessons we learn and the bonds we form into our daily lives. May the knowledge we gain and the memories we share continue to inspire and uplift us, guiding us ever closer to the heart of God and His purpose for our lives.

Let us continue to walk together in the light of His love, supporting and uplifting one another along the way.

In His Service,

First Lady Roslyn Johnson

Our history

The Women's Conference began in 2006, resulting from a desire to connect and empower women within Harford County. It is designed to foster a supportive network where women could share experiences, insights, and resources to navigate various challenges and opportunities as they mature in Christ.

Initially conceived as a local initiative, the conference quickly gained momentum, drawing attendees from churches in neighboring regions due to its impactful programming. By 2010, recognizing the demand and potential impact, the conference expanded its reach to encompass participants from Baltimore and Philadelphia, further broadening its scope and influence in the spiritual lives of women.

Over the years, the Women's Conference has evolved into a significant annual event, meeting the needs of women, young and old through keynote sessions and small group workshops.  We offer opportunities for minority and women owned small businesses to display and sell their products as vendors for the event.  We are also treated annually by the men of Aberdeen Bible Church as they cater and serve a delicious lunch for all in attendance.

We are grateful that God continues to bless this event yearly and bring change and transformation to the lives of all who attend.